Analysis of Anki flashcards usage

Posted on Wed 17 June 2020 in posts • Tagged with data analysis, SQLite

Analysis of my use of the spaced repetition software Anki flashcards over the past

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Modelling volcanic eruptions as Poisson processes

Posted on Wed 20 May 2020 in posts • Tagged with statistics, Poisson

Modelling all volcanic eruptions on Earth between 1950 and 2019 as a Poisson process. Estimate the arrival rate from interrarival times and number of eruptions per year.

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Gradient descent from scratch

Posted on Tue 12 May 2020 in posts • Tagged with algorithms, tutorials, basics

A tutorial on gradient descent with a very simple example

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Failure of neural networks out of training bounds

Posted on Tue 12 May 2020 in posts

Illustration of the poor performance of feed forward neural networks when used on input outside of the bounds of the training input.

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Bayes and the worried parents

Posted on Mon 11 May 2020 in posts

Simple example of Bayes's theorem

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